Topics Covered In Our Esoteric Studies
This is a group for anyone interested in learning about Gnosis. “Gnosis” is a word that means “knowing”, so this is not a group that practices some ancient belief system or religion, but a contemporary tradition aimed at the development of all of our human possibilities through the study and practice of a set of universal principles of self-discovery and inner development found in the sciences, philosophies, arts and spiritual traditions of human cultures throughout history.
Putting these universal principles into action in our lives brings real, immediate and lasting positive change and a growing level of freedom and happiness that makes us more productive in every area of life: as family members, workers, students, citizens, partners, etc. Leading us to the ultimate goal of freeing our essence from the Wheel of Samsara.
The below curriculum is a weekly course which spans the course of about a year, serving as a foundation for the further development of the study of esotericism and the science and ethics of meditation in a more in-depth manner.
Anyone is welcome to attend any of the public lectures and up to the first few classes of the course; however, as the classes and practices build on one another, consistent weekly attendance is expected. If you decide not to continue on with the classes at any point, you are free to stop attending with no further obligations. Please contact us for more details.
Courses are offered in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
Note: We are essentially a meditation and study group and not a therapy or discussion or debate group.
Introduction to Gnosis
- What is Gnosis?
- The 4 Pillars – Science, Philosophy, Art and Religion
The Four Ways
- The Fakir – Order and discipline in life and the esoteric work
- The Monk – Devotion, prayer, developing the faculties of the heart
- The Yogi – Esoteric study and practice, self knowledge
- The 4th Way – The ‘Straight and Narrow’ The Esoteric path, or path to enlightenment
The Two Lines of Life
- Raising our level of Being
- Happiness and balance in life
The Being and the personality (the Spiritual and the Physical)
Need and Greed
- Human needs, moderation
- The mechanism of sensation and satisfaction
Consciousness, Personality and the Ego
- Consciousness – developing consciousness, our essential nature, direct mystical experience
- The many selves, or I’s, dissolving the ego.
- The false personality – thinking and living mechanically
The Human Machine & the Pluralized “I”
- 5 centres of the human machine – intellect, emotion, motor, instinct, sex
- The balance of the centres.
The Three Cerebrums & How to Solve Problems
- How to relax, manage stress, and dissolve problems
- Balance in the mind, emotion and life
The Three Minds
- The Sensorial Mind – The mind of the 5 senses, the material mind
- Intermediate Mind – Mind of belief
- Interior mind – The vehicle of the Being, objective knowledge, imagination and intuition
- Faith and Belief
The Universal Mind
- The cosmic/universal mind
- The microcosmic or human mind
- “As above, so below”, “The interior is the exterior”
- Imagination and will
- Mental epidemics, mental hygiene
The Spatial Sense & The Fourth Dimension
- Intimate remembrance of the Being
- Multidimentional universe
- The 4th dimension, hyperspace
The Awakening of Consciousness
- Infinite possibilties of human consciousness
- The 4 states of consciousness
- Techniques and practices for the awakening of consciousness
Learning How to Listen
- Self remembering and relaxation
- Concentration
- Listening consciously
Return, Recurrence and Reincarnation
- The great machinery of nature, and its intelligent laws
- Destiny and fate
- Liberation from repetition in life and the mind
- Rhythm, order and balance
The Laws of Karma and Dharma
- The law of cause and effect
- Types of karma
- Managing, paying and liberation from Karma
- Dharma
The Mysteries of Life and Death (I)
- Physical death and mystical death
- Energies of life and death
- Living in the moment
The Mysteries of Life and Death (II)
- The ray of death
- Angels of life and death
- The 4 worlds – Mineral (Infernos), Cellular (Physical), Molecular (Paradise), Electronic (Light)
Evolution, Involution, Revolution
- Transmigration of the soul
- The Wheel of Samsara
- The mechanics of nature
The Seven Rounds and Seven Races
- The creation of man and the world
- The authenitc history of our humanity and our race
- Lemuria, Atlantis etc
The Origin of the “I”
- The angelic fall
- The dissolution of the ego
- The sacred fire, the sacred serpent Kundalini
The Hidden Face of our Psychological Moon
- The visible and invisible sides of our psychology
Universal Sound
- The creative power of the word
- Energy, matter, vibration, movement and sound
- Mantras
The Seven Cosmos
- Absolute reality, Absolute Abstract Space
- The ray of creation
- The laws of 3 and 7
- Our place in creation
The Tree of Life
- Introduction to the Kabbalah
- The 10 Sepiroth and the 4 worlds
- The tree of life and the tree of knowledge
The Study of the Solar Human
- Esoteric development
- Creation of the solar/spiritual humanity
The Seven Types of Humans
- Mechanical and conscious humanity
- Instinctive, emotional and intellectual human beings
- The balanced human being
- The solar human being
Psychic Development
- Sensations and impressions
- Concept and reality
- Spritual development
Transformation of Impressions
- Self knowledge
- Transform yourself, transform your life
- The exterior reality and the interior reality
Prana, Tattwas and Pranayama
- The 4 elements – fire, air, water, earth
- The Tattvas and the elementals of nature
- The Akash, the Vital body, Pranayama
“Sexual Hydrogen” SI – 12
- Occult chemistry, Alchemy
- Sustenance and foundation of the body’s energies
Astral Travel
- The world of dreams
- Direct esoteric experience in the Astral world
- Discipline and techniques for Astral travel
The New Age of Aquarius
- The Sidereal year – 25,920 years
- The Aquarian ray
The Pancatattwa Ritual
- Practical Alchemy
- Authentic White Tantra
- The nourishment of the Being
“We are living in this world for some special reason, for something, by virtue of some special factor…Obviously, within us there is much that we must see, study and comprehend, if we really desire to know something about ourselves, about our own life.
Tragic is the existence of the one who dies without having known the purpose of one’s life. Each one of us must discover for ourselves the purpose of our own life…”
Upcoming Public Talks
Gnosis of Alchemy - Plumpton NSW