Gnosis of
Gnosis and Meditation are the tools to discover onself.
Locations: Plumpton and St Clair – NSW

What Is Gnosis?
From time immemorial, the search for knowledge and understanding has been the prime objective of man’s hopes and efforts. Likewise the understanding of life, the meaning of death, the comprehension of oneself and the laws of the universe.
Certainly, the precious key that has always unlocked the Sacred Sanctuary of the Consciousness is GNOSIS, a Greek word meaning “ultimate knowledge”. Gnosis is the eternal light that has always shone, still shines and will forever shine as a guiding star. Even though the multiple paths of experience allow Gnosis to express itself through different forms, in different civilisations, through different symbology, in art, science, religion and philosophy; beyond this illusory veil of differences and contradictions there exists a way that is one and only.
Such unique way of being is GNOSIS, the purest and most universal expression of love and aspiration. Thus, GNOSIS is the path of self-realization through experience.

Gnosis and Meditation
All can be discovered and verified by the awakening of Higher Consciousness through mystical insight and meditative investigation. On the Gnostic Path there is no need for blind faith and dogmatism. More than a theory, more than a belief, Gnosis is a mature and direct experience of our inner truth.
So we introduce meditation techniques in a gentle and a gradual way according to a natural rhythm without causing any tension to the mind and body. This gives way to experience the benefits and insights that meditation can provide. Therefore, by establishing the correct foundations we are able to gradually and naturally increase the duration of the practices.

Esoteric Studies
Gnosis is a transcendental wisdom that explores a variety of topics based on psychology, mysticism and esotericism, presented through classes and meditation.
Our classes address both those who are new to these types of studies, and those who have more experience. We explore a variety of topics specifically developed to know ourselves more intimately and profoundly.
Hence Gnosis and meditation constitute a practical and transcendental wisdom which anyone of good will and good heart can experience and benefit from, to live a more peaceful, serene life and to know oneself truly as a soul, as a divine spark.
“Real Gnosis is the experiential knowledge of the Soul, which is beyond theory, dogma or belief”
Upcoming Classes

About Us
The Australia Gnostic Association of St Clair, is a school for esoteric studies that teaches within the Western Sydney area.
We are a non-profit gnostic school dedicated to the teaching and application of Gnosis.
Our classes and teachings are applicable and practical to one’s life, and most of all, everyone can verify and experience the benefits for themselves.
We welcome all those who are interested to learn about the Universal spiritual principles present in all the world’s great mystical schools and authentic spiritual traditions.
“My advice to you, whoever you may be. Oh! You who desire to explore the mysteries of nature. If you do not discover within yourself what you seek, neither will you find it without. If you ignore the excellence of your own house, how can you aspire to find excellence elsewhere? Within you is hidden the treasure of treasures. Oh! Man, know yourself and you will know the Universe and the Gods.”
-Inscription on the frontispiece of the Temple of Apollo on Mount Parnassus, Greece, 2500 B.C
Blog Posts
Intimate self-observation Intimate self-observation is a practical means to achieve a radical transformation.To know and to observe are different. Many confuse observation of oneself with knowing. We may know that we are sitting on a chair in a living room, but this...
There are many people incapable of adapting themselves to anything or anyone, or of having genuine success in life. When thinking of ourselves from the point of view of the Gnostic esoteric work, it is necessary to ascertain in which of these three types of relationships we are deficient.
Christic Work-Initiation
“The Initiation Well” located in a castle in Sintra Portugal. The Knight Templar’s Cross is at the very bottom of the well. It represents what anyone has to go through if one opts for the Initiate’s Path. At some stage of this path, the Intimate Christ, who is our Interior Christ comes to help us through the rest of one’s Path…Do we deserve this?
The Book of Life
Life is made of many todays A person is what his life is. That, which continues beyond death, is life. This is the significance of the book of life which is opened with death.Looking at this matter from a strictly psychological point of view, any day in our life is...
OUR DAILY BATTLE FOR SURVIVAL People work daily, struggle to survive, want to exist by any means, but they are not happy.This question of happiness is "in Chinese"; as the saying goes here. Most serious of all is that people know this. However in the midst of such...
Esoteric Science: The Heart Temple- Meditation, Astral, Imagination, Inspiration and Intuition
The most interesting thing about the two opposite blood streams pumped by the heart is that they do not collide but help each other to advance together.