Ongoing Course in Wantirna

Introduction to the Gnostic Wisdom 

Every Thursday

Orana Neighbourhood House

62 Coleman Rd, Wantirna


7.30pm - 9pm


About This Course


The purpose of Gnosis is for each and every person to experience and know themselves as an essence, as a spark of Dinivity; what the Buddhist referred to as the Buddhata (Buddha Nature)

Throughout this series and course, we will cover many aspects of a psychological, esoteric and ontological nature. (See below for a brief outline of topics covered)

You will learn practical spiritual tools that will increase your knowledge and awareness of yourself that will help to enrich all areas of your life.

Gnosis is a greek word that refers to knowledge; not merely intellectual knowledge but one that one gains by means of direct experience.


“All theory, dear friend, is gray, but the golden tree of life springs ever green.”

– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


A Brief Outline Of The Topics to be Covered:


An Introductory Section.

The Fundamentals Of Esoteric Psychology.

The Fundamentals Of The Awakening Of Consciousness.

The Universal Laws.


Karma & Dharma

The Origin Of Man.

Mysteries of Life & Death

An Exploration Of Creation From An Esoteric Point Of View.

The Use And Expansion Of The Psyche, Consciousness And Life Forces.

Astral Travel

The Era Of Aquarius And Its Foundation.

Additional Information


How to join/enrol? There is no official enrolment or anything like that. To join or participate, all you need to do is attend the venue at the given time (see above). You are free to join and to leave at any time. 

What is the cost? The introduction sessions are free


 For additional information, see our FAQ page.

If you are interested in attending, or have any questions, please contact us.

Wantirna Centre

Jonathan & Suzanne

phone: 0420 660 439  email:

9 + 12 =

"Real Gnosis is the experiential knowledge of the Soul, which is beyond theory, dogma or belief"

– Samael Aun Weor

"I looked in churches, mosques and temples, but I found the Divine within my heart."

– Rumi

"Knowing thyself, that is the greatest Wisdom."

– Galileo Galilei.

"What the superior man seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks is in others."

– Confucius