“Experience is better than belief. Gnosis is the practical, fact-based knowledge of consciousness that guides us to our full potential and innate happiness.”
Following our 3 Public Lectures in St Clair Community Centre, we are now starting our Introductory Course on Thursdays (7-8.30 pm) of 33 Talks https://westernsydneygnosis.com/topics/. Note: venue changed. The course runs once a week consecutively by donations.This course is a requisite for more advance courses in the future.
You are all welcome, provided you RSVP, as we comply with Covid19 restrictions, seats are limited.
New Venue: St Clair Gnosis Centre- the address will be provided when you supply name and phone number for Health Department, Insurance purposes and for us to advise you of any cancellations/changes, etc. If you happen to miss a night, the talk could be replaced by arrangement.
AGA is non profit International Association. http://gnosistr.com/the-new-gnostic-society-samael-aun-weor/