Introductory Course starting 26/11/20

“Experience is better than belief. Gnosis is the practical, fact-based knowledge of consciousness that guides us to our full potential and innate happiness.”

Following our 3 Public Lectures in St Clair Community Centre, we are now starting our Introductory Course on Thursdays (7-8.30 pm) of 33 Talks Note: venue changed. The course runs once a week consecutively by donations.This course is a requisite for more advance courses in the future.

You are all welcome, provided you RSVP, as we comply with Covid19 restrictions, seats are limited.

New Venue: St Clair Gnosis Centre- the address will be provided when you supply name and phone number for Health Department, Insurance purposes and for us to advise you of any cancellations/changes, etc. If you happen to miss a night, the talk could be replaced by arrangement.

AGA is non profit International Association.

About this Course


The purpose of Gnosis is for each and every person to experience and know themselves as an essence, as a spark of Dinivity; what the Buddhist referred to as the Buddhata (Buddha Nature).

Throughout this series and course, we will cover aspects of a psychological, esoteric and ontological nature.

You will learn practical spiritual tools that will increase your knowledge and awareness of yourself that will help to enrich all areas of your life.

Gnosis is a greek word that refers to knowledge; not merely intellectual knowledge but one that one gains by means of direct experience.

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