Gnosis of Astral Travel – March 2023

Our Magic Inner World

Public Talk & Meditations in Plumpton NSW

– The world of dreams.
– Direct esoteric experience in the Astral world. Benefits of: body, soul and spirit.
– Discipline and techniques for Astral travel

Practices: Relaxation, Concentration, Mantra Yoga

WHEN: Wednesdays 22, 29 March & 5 April 2023

TIME: 6:30pm to 8:00 pm.

VENUE: Plumpton Neighbourhood Centre NSW – 337 Rooty Hill Road North corner with Bootles Road

DONATION: The Australian Gnostic Association is non-profit. Your contribution is appreciated to help cover costs of running this course ($10/week suggested).

COVID19 SAFE event: for health/safety of our students & instructors bring your own masks/ drink bottle & keep the social distance. Some MASKS & HAND SANITISER are available. Please do not attend if you are COVID-19 positive, feeling unwell with COVID-19/ flu symptoms (waiting period 14 days).

LIMITED SPOTS: RSVP essential. Please fill the form below to book your seat.

A full course on Esoteric (33 talks) will follow for those interested at a close by new venue. Check all the course topics.

NOTE: the school will be in recess from 8th to the 14th of March.  We will reply enquiries outside this period. Thank you.


About this Course


The purpose of Gnosis is for each and every person to experience and know themselves as an essence, as a spark of Dinivity; what the Buddhist referred to as the Buddhata (Buddha Nature).

Throughout this series and course, we will cover aspects of a psychological, esoteric and ontological nature.

You will learn practical spiritual tools that will increase your knowledge and awareness of yourself that will help to enrich all areas of your life.

Gnosis is a greek word that refers to knowledge; not merely intellectual knowledge but one that one gains by means of direct experience.

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