Details: Public Lectures Oct/Nov 2020

Thu. October 29th- What is Gnosis? Ancient wisdom for modern times

The 21st century offers us many things,
but wisdom and love of the divine are sorely missing.
We look to the ancient spiritual traditions not just 
for inspiration, but for practical knowledge which
can start us on the path of self-discovery, mastery 
over our inner psychological difficulties, and 
ultimately, spiritual connection.

Thu. November 5th- Essence, Ego and Personality

Spiritual seekers of every tradition are looking 
for the way back to their true nature, their Essence,
the pure and immortal spark inside of us which 
has never gone out. In this talk we will discuss 
Esoteric psychology, which proposes that through 
the focus on our Divine nature, we can strengthen 
our Essence, and dissolve our Ego, bringing lasting
peace to our hearts and minds.

Thu. November 12th- Cultivating inner peace

Gnostic psychology tells us that we have a pure and 
non-corrupted essential nature, a natural state of
inner peace, which is obscured by our ego-states. 
This talk will help us to begin the process of 
discovering and comprehending those states which 
will loosen their grip on our psyche.

About this Course


The purpose of Gnosis is for each and every person to experience and know themselves as an essence, as a spark of Dinivity; what the Buddhist referred to as the Buddhata (Buddha Nature).

Throughout this series and course, we will cover aspects of a psychological, esoteric and ontological nature.

You will learn practical spiritual tools that will increase your knowledge and awareness of yourself that will help to enrich all areas of your life.

Gnosis is a greek word that refers to knowledge; not merely intellectual knowledge but one that one gains by means of direct experience.

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